Blog Post


Richard Stephen • 24 March 2020

Latest FA guidance & league information

As you may have seen, the FA have just announced that all grassroots football at Step 3 and below is to be terminated for this season. I regret that there will therefore be no League champions or Cup Finals this season, and no League Presentation Day. However, we will take performance over the season to date into account when we set the preliminary constitution of the league for 2020/21. As usual, we will send out a first draft of the constitution, hopefully in July, and all clubs will have the opportunity to comment on that before it is finalised.
These are obviously extraordinary times, and let us all hope that we will be able to come through this period and get back to some semblance of normality reasonably soon. As part of that, we look forward to being able to have your children play football again. 
In the meantime, stay safe. 
Richard Stephen, General Secretary
by Richard Stephen 29 September 2020
Surrey FA Guidance following new restrictions
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